Thursday, November 29, 2012

Anti-abortion-rights groups slam McCain

Didn't the SBA support "compromising" Romney in 2012? And didn't the SBA support "compromising" McCain in 2008? Anti-abortion-rights groups slam McCain Looks like the Veepstakes goes to Sarah Palin "...The Susan B. Anthony List today issued this statement: Washington – Today, in response to the announcement that Sen. John McCain chose Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate, the President of the Susan B. Anthony List offered the following statement: "Sarah Palin is the whole package. There couldn't be a better vice presidential pick," said Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. "Women voters are electrified, and Sarah is someone who is truly in sync with the way real American women think. She is a reform-minded woman who will give all Americans, born and unborn, the authentic leadership they deserve." "The majority of American women support commonsense restrictions on abortion. Adding Palin to the GOP ticket will resonate with independent women voters nationwide. By choosing the boldly pro-life Sarah Palin as his running mate, John McCain has taken his stand as the one true, authentic pro-life ticket." ...

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Rebecca Kiessling’s Reply to Ann Coulter — Save The 1!

Rebecca Kiessling’s Reply to Ann Coulter — Save The 1! "...The “burning building” analogy fails because you have no interest in working to save all. You do not get to call yourself pro-life by shutting off the water, sending the fire trucks home, while you stand there watching the building burn down with the 1 inside of it. ..."

Monday, November 5, 2012

Romney's Russian connection a deal breaker for serious conservatives--by Cliff Kincaid

Romney's Russian connection a deal breaker for serious conservatives--by Cliff Kincaid
This same video is also running in Minnesota.

"...The second video points out that Massachusetts (under then-Governor Romney) implemented the nation's first homosexual marriage bill and "re-defined marriage." The video features a Massachusetts family warning that local schools in that state required that children in the second grade be required to be taught that "boys can marry boys." Students could NOT be taken out of these classes or even informed when the lessons were being presented. The parents warned Marylanders (and Minnesotans), "Don't make the same mistake." ..."

Heaven help us!--by Stephen Stone, RA President

Heaven help us!--by Stephen Stone, RA President

"...For all intents and purposes in a "contested race," therefore, our only option as voters is to express our willful support — and thus our alignment with and condoning of — whichever candidate we choose; or to leave that particular race untouched, thus expressing our displeasure with our feet, so to speak, for the lack of an acceptable candidate.

At least the latter way of voting absolves us of any culpability for willfully participating in the destruction of our country at the hands of candidates who don't deserve to be on the ballot (having shown themselves to be corrupt, incompetent, unethical, immoral, deceptive, or otherwise undeserving of our vote).

There's no way to simultaneously vote our displeasure at unacceptable choices laid before us and also pick one! To attempt that is a bit like schizophrenia.

The idea that we can vote against someone we really don't like by voting for someone else we really don't like and call it getting rid of people in office we really don't like is an illogical rationalization — conjured to make us feel good when we vote irrationally. It doesn't excuse us of willfully voting for someone we can't actually support in good conscience on their own merits.

Just because we may be well-intentioned in our desire to get rid of a bad candidate, it literally makes no sense to vote for a similarly bad candidate considered not "as bad" as the object of our scorn.

If a candidate is "bad" (as a candidate, not necessarily as a person), they're "bad" — no matter how they compare with anyone else running for the same office who might also be "bad." A bad candidate is a bad candidate is a bad candidate. Bear in mind that between two unacceptable candidates, one will always be less acceptable than the other candidate in some ways, and more acceptable in other ways. ..."

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Living up to the creed--by Alan Keyes

Living up to the creed--by Alan Keyes
Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man in whom there is not salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish. (Psalm 146:3-4)

This morning, I read an article reporting what Roman Catholic Archbishop of Philadelphia Charles Chaput said about the priority that should govern how Catholics cast their vote. "We're Catholics before we're Democrats. We're Catholics before we're Republicans. We're even Catholics before we're Americans, because we know that God has a demand on us prior to any government demand on us."

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Abortion never saves a woman's life

Abortion never saves a woman's life

Pragmatism vs. principle: what to do with Mitt--by Stephen Stone

Pragmatism vs. principle: what to do with Mitt--by Stephen Stone

Rooting out hypocrisy

In Minnesota, there is a campaign to secure a one man one woman marriage by state Constitutional amendment. There are yard signs across Minnesota asking people to vote Yes to the Marriage Amendment. Right next to these signs are Romney/Ryan signs. When I ask people Do you realize that Romney legislated sodomitic acts in Massachusetts? You would think people would be shocked when they learn the truth. The response? THE BIG YAWN. How can a person vote (rightly) for the Marriage Amendment and then encourage people to vote for Romney, someone who, according to Mass Resistance, legislated sodomitic acts in Massachusetts?

Also in Minnesota, there was a person who ran on a third-party ticket for Governor of Minnesota. He defeated the Republican Party candidate and the DFL Party candidate. Enough people believed that the third-party candidate could win, and he did. His name was Jesse Ventura, and he beat out St. Paul Mayor Norm Coleman and Attorney General Skip Humphrey. Stephen Stone has brilliantly pointed out the hypocrisy of those who say a third-party vote or write-in is the same as voting for Mickey Mouse, which is emotional gibberish and not logic. Don't Waste Your Vote on a Loser by Stephen Stone

Stone points out that if that were the case, all Democrats in Utah are wasting their vote, as there’s no way that a Democrat will win against Romney in Utah. Is the Democrat Party discouraging people from voting in Utah? Taking that same logic trek, no Republican should vote in Illinois, because chances are very high that Obama will take Illinois. Is the Republican Party discouraging their Republican voters not vote in Illinois? After all, wouldn’t it be a wasted vote?

If you think Romney is the only person standing between America and tyranny, your hopes are misplaced. Romneycare is the template for Obamacare; Romney legislated sodomitic acts in Massachusetts; Romney legislated anti-Catholic legislation; Romney is for abortion in the case of rape, incest and "health" of the mother, which is no different than Obama/Biden; Romney has a long record of socialist tendencies. What's terribly obvious is that Obama is "honest" about his evil positions; Romney is dishonest about his evil actions and legislation. If flip-flopping was bad for John Kerry, it certainly should be bad for Romney.

People claim that Romney is now pro-life. When I ask them the following questions, I, again, receive THE BIG YAWN:

1. Why did Romney turn “pro-life”? (YAWN)

2. What proof do you have that he is now pro-life? (YAWN)

3. Has he publicly repented of the evil legislation he implemented against the Catholic Church? (YAWN)

4. Has he publicly repented of the evil legislation of continuing abortion and all its evil tentacles? (YAWN)

5. Has he publicly repented of being instrumental in legislating sodomitic “marriage” in Massachusetts?( YAWN)

6. What proof do you have that Romney will be any different than Obama? (YAWN)

Blessed Mother Teresa said: A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope. Until this nation converts back to God, we deserve God’s Wrath, and we deserve to be punished. I will not sell my vote for 30 pieces of silver.

Be courageous and Vote No to the culture of death no matter what words are used to disguise evil. Viva Christo Rey!

Never compromise on the truth, Pope insists

Romney says won't pursue new abortion laws

Romney shifted on 'conscience' issue--’05 contraception stance similar to Obama’s now

Keyes to the Republic Vol. 1 President Obama and Mitt Romney

Conservative Activists Warn “Aggressive Cover-up” of Pro-abortion, Pro-gay Romney Legacy

Should I be silent about Romney's true record?

GOP's platform language on social, entitlement issues is at odds with Romney

Mitt Romney Presidential Candidate (R) Tier 4 - Personhood Never

Mitt Romney Didn’t Just Give Planned Parenthood Money, He Gave Them Extra Power

A choice between Satan and Beelzebub

If less evil is more, where's the choice?

American Life League Voter Guide

Monday, October 15, 2012

I will not sell my vote for 30 pieces of silver. Will you? Viva Christo Rey!

I will not sell my vote for 30 pieces of silver—not for Obama nor for Romney. No amount of superstitious dire consequences, threats, calumny, warning of the sky falling or finger wagging will entice me to be bribed with 30 pieces of silver to betray the Catholic Church and violate my conscience.

I have been disparagingly called a “purist.” It is a badge of honor to be labeled a "purist." I would much rather be a “purist” than “impure.” I have been told that by not drinking the Republican Party kool-aid and voting for Romney, my third-party or write-in vote is a vote for Obama. Since this is a false statement, this is possibly calumny, slander or detraction.

Calumny Slander Detraction

I've also seen it written that we must vote for the one most conservative that can win. When questioned as to where in Catholic doctrine this cite is to be found, I receive THE BIG YAWN. The most heinous vote ever taken was with a question: Jesus or Barabbas? The crowd chose Barabbas. The Best was crucified. So much for public opinion.

There is always danger in speculating or making presumptions about the future. One could even say speculation is superstitious. We can only judge actions, not words. There is potential scandal in aligning with someone who believes that abortion is allowed in, essentially, all circumstances, no matter how words are spoken to potentially deceive. Ryan appears to have acquiesced, compromised, is lukewarm. If there wasn't a potential scandal with public perception, why the outrage with Obama (and Romney) with Cardinal Dolan? All the "ifs" and "buts" in the world can't erase the potential public scandal of the perception that someone is compromising or lukewarm. We don't "win" with Romney/Ryan--we lose. And preborn children will continue to lose--their lives.

I will not sell my vote for 30 pieces of silver. Will you? Viva Christo Rey!

American Life League Voter Guide

“This is a big moment for Catholic voters to step back from their party affiliation,” said Archbishop Lori. “The question to ask is this: Are any of the candidates of either party, or independents, standing for something that is intrinsically evil, evil no matter what the circumstances? If that’s the case, a Catholic, regardless of his party affiliation, shouldn’t be voting for such a person.”--Archbishop William Lori

We’ve had enough of exhortations to be silent! Cry out with a hundred thousand tongues. I see that the world is rotten because of silence!~~St. Catherine of Siena

If people are scandalized at the Truth, it is better to allow the birth of scandal, than to abandon the Truth.~~Pope St. Gregory the Great

"... So we choose the lesser evil, thinking we have been saved from the great evil, when all the while satan's real purpose was to bring about the evil we have chosen... ." "The Father's Tale", p. 496, Michael O'Brien

Quid est Veritas?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Battle of the Catholic Veeps

Battle of the Catholic Veeps "...As for Rep Paul Ryan’s answer to the same question. I liked how he took it out of the area of theology to that of science and added a personal story to illustrate the humanity of the unborn. He then went on to say: “The policy of a Romney administration will be to oppose abortions with the exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.” Now many will defend him saying this since it is not politically pragmatic to oppose this area of abortion. After all the Executive Branch is not the Legislative Branch and it will take an overturning of Roe V. Wade before any legal movement against abortion will occur. Plus even if it is overturned it will then become a matter for the states and not the Federal government. So practically there really will not be an opportunity to oppose abortion in these circumstances. So I understand the practical arguments and I thank God he saints were not so pragmatically practical. This viewpoint would say that St. Thomas More should have just gone along and signed away his conscience since it wasn’t politically practical for him to oppose his friend King Henry VIII. Instead we get a statement that an intrinsically evil act will not be opposed even generally. This also continues to enforce that opposing abortion for these exceptions is extreme when it is extreme to murder someone for the sin of their father. In some ways Ryan’s statement parallels Biden’s in that Ryan is personally opposed to these exceptions, but won’t impose it on others."

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Romney is hiding Bain abortion profits in his tax returns, says Tampa foe

Romney is hiding Bain abortion profits in his tax returns, says Tampa foe

GOP's platform language on social, entitlement issues is at odds with Romney

GOP's platform language on social, entitlement issues is at odds with Romney

Does anyone believe that Democrats would allow a candidate that didn't adhere to their platform? Why is it only Republicans capitulate and compromise and are lukewarm? Where's the accountability?

The Apocalypse Of Saint John (Revelation) 3:16 But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold, not hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Romney abortion view overrides Ryan in Akin response

Romney abortion view overrides Ryan in Akin response

Eating their own...

Eating their own: "...Romney/Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin and say that abortion should be allowed in cases of rape. ..." Those that claim to be pro-life aren't; and those that ARE pro-life are excoriated.

Romney camp criticizes Akin remarks

How socialist will 'conservative' become?--By Alan Keyes

How socialist will 'conservative' become?--By Alan Keyes "...Conservatives who vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket will have to believe in not one, but two, possibly cynical and provably improbable "conversions" that, in each case, reversed a long-standing commitment to ideas that are demonstrably contrary to America's founding principles. If Romney/Ryan wins and it turns out that they have not changed, the politically motivated but false proclamation that they are principled conservatives will invest them with all the credibility they need to gut the meaning of the conservative brand forever.

When evil wins an election, that is a battle lost. But what if victory in a political battle leaves the constituents of that victory cut off from the understanding that inspires the cause for which they fight? That is the post-Pyrrhic victory by which they are undone. And if such a victory for "conservatives" is in fact what the elitist faction engineering the 2012 election has in mind, how socialist will "conservative" become?"

Friday, August 17, 2012

Wisconsin bishop praises Paul Ryan, discusses intrinsic evils, prudential judgments

Wisconsin bishop praises Paul Ryan, discusses intrinsic evils, prudential judgments "...Bishop Morlino then distinguished between intrinsic evils and policy decisions on which Catholics of good will may disagree.

“Some of the most fundamental issues for the formation of a Catholic conscience are as follows: sacredness of human life from conception to natural death, marriage, religious freedom and freedom of conscience, and a right to private property,” he said. “Violations of the above involve intrinsic evil — that is, an evil which cannot be justified by any circumstances whatsoever. These evils are examples of direct pollution of the ecology of human nature and can be discerned as such by human reason alone. Thus, all people of good will who wish to follow human reason should deplore any and all violations in the above areas, without exception. The violations would be: abortion, euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, same-sex marriage, government-coerced secularism, and socialism.” ..."

Where Are the Pro-Life Reactions to the Romney/Stericycle Story?

Where Are the Pro-Life Reactions to the Romney/Stericycle Story?

Stop Stericycle Campaign -- Exposing the Company that Profits from Incinerating the Remains of Murdered Children

Stop Stericycle Campaign -- Exposing the Company that Profits from Incinerating the Remains of Murdered Children

"Pro-life" industry moves to help Romney cover up ownership of Stericycle

"Pro-life" industry moves to help Romney cover up ownership of Stericycle

Stericycle’s Burning of Aborted Babies at North Carolina Incineration Plant Exposed

Stericycle’s Burning of Aborted Babies at North Carolina Incineration Plant Exposed Be sure to look at the smokestack

Thursday, August 16, 2012

“Romney is hiding Bain abortion profits in his tax returns,” says Tampa foe

“Romney is hiding Bain abortion profits in his tax returns,” says Tampa foe
Republican spokesmen for a rising “DUMP ROMNEY” rebellion today charged that Mitt Romney is “hiding Bain abortion profits in his tax returns” from investments that “would make Herod blush.”

Steve Baldwin, former Republican Whip of the California State Assembly, said recent journalism about the actual date of Romney’s departure from Bain Capital “has almost certainly revealed the real reason Romney refuses to release any more than two years of personal IRS data: Bain’s craven investment in Stericycle corporation – a vendor to Planned Parenthood – lined Romney’s pockets with profits from the incineration of aborted human fetuses. Mitt, it’s time to disclose your tax returns and everything else about Stericycle.”

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Why Romney didn't appreciate Chick-fil-A--by Alan Keyes

Why Romney didn't appreciate Chick-fil-A--by Alan Keyes The logic of the Declaration looks to a reason beyond superior human might to justify my right of self-government. I will not abuse the right which that reason substantiates by voting for people who are working to overthrow its foundation. Will you?

Mitt Romney’s Abortion Business Made Him $50M

Mitt Romney’s Abortion Business Made Him $50M

Friday, August 10, 2012

Archbishop Lori: Catholics should not vote for candidates who support intrinsic evils

Archbishop Lori: Catholics should not vote for candidates who support intrinsic evils Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore has told Kathryn Jean Lopez of National Review Online that Catholics should not vote for candidates who support intrinsic evils.

“This is a big moment for Catholic voters to step back from their party affiliation,” said Archbishop Lori. “The question to ask is this: Are any of the candidates of either party, or independents, standing for something that is intrinsically evil, evil no matter what the circumstances? If that’s the case, a Catholic, regardless of his party affiliation, shouldn’t be voting for such a person.”

Monday, May 7, 2012

Compromise--Judie Brown, American Life League--Evangelium Vitae

Compromise--Judie Brown, American Life League--"Evangelium Vitae" What does "Evangelium Vitae" really say? There appears to be a growing tendency among some pro-life Americans to gravitate toward compromise. Some have used Pope John Paul II’s Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life), - specifically Section 73, paragraph 3 - to justify their wobbly wisdom.

Some argue that Pope John Paul II's encyclical contains language that permits the acceptance of some abortion in legislative and political situations. The problem with the argument is that a pope is someone who represents Christ on earth and upholds the fundamental tenets of Catholic teaching and biblical pronouncement. So how could it be that a pope would excuse even a single abortion?

Others, primarily alleged proponents of personhood, have turned a blind eye to ethical language and have done the easy thing—accommodating the world view instead of the scientific facts. And still others are now ready to work with the pro-aborts in order to make “abortion less common.”

Judie Brown's analysis of the problems created by pro-lifers who fail to adhere to truth, logic and reality:

Abortion, Pro-Lifers and a Rash of Relativism
Pope John Paul II and Excusing Abortion
A Person Is a Person--No Matter What the Politics Dictate

Republicans retreat on gay marriage

Republicans retreat on gay marriage

The pickle and the fickle--Judie Brown, American Life League

The pickle and the fickle--Judie Brown, American Life League "...Don't get me wrong. I am not criticizing Brownback, Romney, Kucinich or even Hillary Clinton. But we as a nation have forgotten how to expect greatness out of the men and women seeking public office. We have failed to expect consistency and have settled for a mediocre political system that in many respects renders the parties nearly equal in all the areas that matter most to the furtherance of our society, starting with the right of every innocent preborn person to be born. ..."

Romney is GOP holdout on personhood pledge--Former Massachusetts governor also refuses to attend pro-life debates

Romney is GOP holdout on personhood pledge--Former Massachusetts governor also refuses to attend pro-life debates

Massachusetts Tells Catholic Church it Must Permit Homosexual Adoption

Massachusetts Tells Catholic Church it Must Permit Homosexual Adoption--Mitt Romney, Governor Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and a top government leader have told a group of bishops that their request that Catholic institutions be exempt from placing foster children with same-sex parents will be denied.



Mitt Romney's Same-Sex Marriage Betrayal--Parts 1, 2, 3

Mitt Romney’s Same-Sex Marriage Betrayal, Part 1: Rick Santorum Exposes the Truth

Mitt Romney’s Same-Sex Marriage Betrayal, Part 2: Rick Santorum Exposes the Truth

Mitt Romney’s Same-Sex Marriage Betrayal, Part 3: Rick Santorum Exposes the Truth

The GOP’s More Dangerous Poison--Alan Keyes

The GOP’s More Dangerous Poison--Alan Keyes
"...But while they persisted in their effort to add good fruit to the political harvest, Senator Santorum chose instead to pick bad fruit and lift it up so as to appease the elitist faction’s agenda for power. It was bad enough that he touted openly “pro-choice” leaders like Christie Todd Whitman. But by endorsing Arlen Specter’s primary bid for re-election, Senator Santorum directly contravened the efforts of the very people through whose good faith God had fashioned his own Senate win. He put the calculations of political ambition above respect for hearts moved by simple obedience to God’s intention. In consequence he was favored with strong financial support by the money and media barons of the GOP wing of the elitist faction. Despite their largesse he went down to defeat. He had betrayed his faithful supporters. The impaired enthusiasm that resulted from this demoralizing betrayal deprived him of the level of support he needed from his God-revering constituents..."

Why Romney may be no better for the economy than Obama

Why Romney may be no better for the economy than Obama

Romney judicial record: Liberals running wild When GOP candidate had chance to influence bench, he appointed leftists

Romney judicial record: Liberals running wild--When GOP candidate had chance to influence bench, he appointed leftists

Romney Told Catholic Hospitals to Administer Abortion Pills

Romney Told Catholic Hospitals to Administer Abortion Pills

Fact-Check: Did Romney Lie About Cardinal and Contraception During Wednesday Debate?

Fact-Check: Did Romney Lie About Cardinal and Contraception During Wednesday Debate?

Santorum's supporters played for fools Exclusive: Alan Keyes asserts withdrawal 'serves the purposes of the GOP elites'

Santorum's supporters played for fools--Exclusive: Alan Keyes asserts withdrawal 'serves the purposes of the GOP elites'

What does the Catholic Church say about the practices and beliefs of Mormonism?

What does the Catholic Church say about the practices and beliefs of Mormonism?

Romneycare and Obamacare Are Identical

Romneycare and Obamacare Are Identical