Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Romney is hiding Bain abortion profits in his tax returns, says Tampa foe

Romney is hiding Bain abortion profits in his tax returns, says Tampa foe

GOP's platform language on social, entitlement issues is at odds with Romney

GOP's platform language on social, entitlement issues is at odds with Romney

Does anyone believe that Democrats would allow a candidate that didn't adhere to their platform? Why is it only Republicans capitulate and compromise and are lukewarm? Where's the accountability?

The Apocalypse Of Saint John (Revelation) 3:16 But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold, not hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Romney abortion view overrides Ryan in Akin response

Romney abortion view overrides Ryan in Akin response

Eating their own...

Eating their own: "...Romney/Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin and say that abortion should be allowed in cases of rape. ..." Those that claim to be pro-life aren't; and those that ARE pro-life are excoriated.

Romney camp criticizes Akin remarks

How socialist will 'conservative' become?--By Alan Keyes

How socialist will 'conservative' become?--By Alan Keyes "...Conservatives who vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket will have to believe in not one, but two, possibly cynical and provably improbable "conversions" that, in each case, reversed a long-standing commitment to ideas that are demonstrably contrary to America's founding principles. If Romney/Ryan wins and it turns out that they have not changed, the politically motivated but false proclamation that they are principled conservatives will invest them with all the credibility they need to gut the meaning of the conservative brand forever.

When evil wins an election, that is a battle lost. But what if victory in a political battle leaves the constituents of that victory cut off from the understanding that inspires the cause for which they fight? That is the post-Pyrrhic victory by which they are undone. And if such a victory for "conservatives" is in fact what the elitist faction engineering the 2012 election has in mind, how socialist will "conservative" become?"

Friday, August 17, 2012

Wisconsin bishop praises Paul Ryan, discusses intrinsic evils, prudential judgments

Wisconsin bishop praises Paul Ryan, discusses intrinsic evils, prudential judgments "...Bishop Morlino then distinguished between intrinsic evils and policy decisions on which Catholics of good will may disagree.

“Some of the most fundamental issues for the formation of a Catholic conscience are as follows: sacredness of human life from conception to natural death, marriage, religious freedom and freedom of conscience, and a right to private property,” he said. “Violations of the above involve intrinsic evil — that is, an evil which cannot be justified by any circumstances whatsoever. These evils are examples of direct pollution of the ecology of human nature and can be discerned as such by human reason alone. Thus, all people of good will who wish to follow human reason should deplore any and all violations in the above areas, without exception. The violations would be: abortion, euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, same-sex marriage, government-coerced secularism, and socialism.” ..."

Where Are the Pro-Life Reactions to the Romney/Stericycle Story?

Where Are the Pro-Life Reactions to the Romney/Stericycle Story?

Stop Stericycle Campaign -- Exposing the Company that Profits from Incinerating the Remains of Murdered Children

Stop Stericycle Campaign -- Exposing the Company that Profits from Incinerating the Remains of Murdered Children

"Pro-life" industry moves to help Romney cover up ownership of Stericycle

"Pro-life" industry moves to help Romney cover up ownership of Stericycle

Stericycle’s Burning of Aborted Babies at North Carolina Incineration Plant Exposed

Stericycle’s Burning of Aborted Babies at North Carolina Incineration Plant Exposed Be sure to look at the smokestack

Thursday, August 16, 2012

“Romney is hiding Bain abortion profits in his tax returns,” says Tampa foe

“Romney is hiding Bain abortion profits in his tax returns,” says Tampa foe
Republican spokesmen for a rising “DUMP ROMNEY” rebellion today charged that Mitt Romney is “hiding Bain abortion profits in his tax returns” from investments that “would make Herod blush.”

Steve Baldwin, former Republican Whip of the California State Assembly, said recent journalism about the actual date of Romney’s departure from Bain Capital “has almost certainly revealed the real reason Romney refuses to release any more than two years of personal IRS data: Bain’s craven investment in Stericycle corporation – a vendor to Planned Parenthood – lined Romney’s pockets with profits from the incineration of aborted human fetuses. Mitt, it’s time to disclose your tax returns and everything else about Stericycle.”

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Why Romney didn't appreciate Chick-fil-A--by Alan Keyes

Why Romney didn't appreciate Chick-fil-A--by Alan Keyes The logic of the Declaration looks to a reason beyond superior human might to justify my right of self-government. I will not abuse the right which that reason substantiates by voting for people who are working to overthrow its foundation. Will you?

Mitt Romney’s Abortion Business Made Him $50M

Mitt Romney’s Abortion Business Made Him $50M

Friday, August 10, 2012

Archbishop Lori: Catholics should not vote for candidates who support intrinsic evils

Archbishop Lori: Catholics should not vote for candidates who support intrinsic evils Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore has told Kathryn Jean Lopez of National Review Online that Catholics should not vote for candidates who support intrinsic evils.

“This is a big moment for Catholic voters to step back from their party affiliation,” said Archbishop Lori. “The question to ask is this: Are any of the candidates of either party, or independents, standing for something that is intrinsically evil, evil no matter what the circumstances? If that’s the case, a Catholic, regardless of his party affiliation, shouldn’t be voting for such a person.”