Monday, May 7, 2012

Compromise--Judie Brown, American Life League--Evangelium Vitae

Compromise--Judie Brown, American Life League--"Evangelium Vitae" What does "Evangelium Vitae" really say? There appears to be a growing tendency among some pro-life Americans to gravitate toward compromise. Some have used Pope John Paul II’s Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life), - specifically Section 73, paragraph 3 - to justify their wobbly wisdom.

Some argue that Pope John Paul II's encyclical contains language that permits the acceptance of some abortion in legislative and political situations. The problem with the argument is that a pope is someone who represents Christ on earth and upholds the fundamental tenets of Catholic teaching and biblical pronouncement. So how could it be that a pope would excuse even a single abortion?

Others, primarily alleged proponents of personhood, have turned a blind eye to ethical language and have done the easy thing—accommodating the world view instead of the scientific facts. And still others are now ready to work with the pro-aborts in order to make “abortion less common.”

Judie Brown's analysis of the problems created by pro-lifers who fail to adhere to truth, logic and reality:

Abortion, Pro-Lifers and a Rash of Relativism
Pope John Paul II and Excusing Abortion
A Person Is a Person--No Matter What the Politics Dictate

Republicans retreat on gay marriage

Republicans retreat on gay marriage

The pickle and the fickle--Judie Brown, American Life League

The pickle and the fickle--Judie Brown, American Life League "...Don't get me wrong. I am not criticizing Brownback, Romney, Kucinich or even Hillary Clinton. But we as a nation have forgotten how to expect greatness out of the men and women seeking public office. We have failed to expect consistency and have settled for a mediocre political system that in many respects renders the parties nearly equal in all the areas that matter most to the furtherance of our society, starting with the right of every innocent preborn person to be born. ..."

Romney is GOP holdout on personhood pledge--Former Massachusetts governor also refuses to attend pro-life debates

Romney is GOP holdout on personhood pledge--Former Massachusetts governor also refuses to attend pro-life debates

Massachusetts Tells Catholic Church it Must Permit Homosexual Adoption

Massachusetts Tells Catholic Church it Must Permit Homosexual Adoption--Mitt Romney, Governor Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and a top government leader have told a group of bishops that their request that Catholic institutions be exempt from placing foster children with same-sex parents will be denied.



Mitt Romney's Same-Sex Marriage Betrayal--Parts 1, 2, 3

Mitt Romney’s Same-Sex Marriage Betrayal, Part 1: Rick Santorum Exposes the Truth

Mitt Romney’s Same-Sex Marriage Betrayal, Part 2: Rick Santorum Exposes the Truth

Mitt Romney’s Same-Sex Marriage Betrayal, Part 3: Rick Santorum Exposes the Truth

The GOP’s More Dangerous Poison--Alan Keyes

The GOP’s More Dangerous Poison--Alan Keyes
"...But while they persisted in their effort to add good fruit to the political harvest, Senator Santorum chose instead to pick bad fruit and lift it up so as to appease the elitist faction’s agenda for power. It was bad enough that he touted openly “pro-choice” leaders like Christie Todd Whitman. But by endorsing Arlen Specter’s primary bid for re-election, Senator Santorum directly contravened the efforts of the very people through whose good faith God had fashioned his own Senate win. He put the calculations of political ambition above respect for hearts moved by simple obedience to God’s intention. In consequence he was favored with strong financial support by the money and media barons of the GOP wing of the elitist faction. Despite their largesse he went down to defeat. He had betrayed his faithful supporters. The impaired enthusiasm that resulted from this demoralizing betrayal deprived him of the level of support he needed from his God-revering constituents..."

Why Romney may be no better for the economy than Obama

Why Romney may be no better for the economy than Obama

Romney judicial record: Liberals running wild When GOP candidate had chance to influence bench, he appointed leftists

Romney judicial record: Liberals running wild--When GOP candidate had chance to influence bench, he appointed leftists

Romney Told Catholic Hospitals to Administer Abortion Pills

Romney Told Catholic Hospitals to Administer Abortion Pills

Fact-Check: Did Romney Lie About Cardinal and Contraception During Wednesday Debate?

Fact-Check: Did Romney Lie About Cardinal and Contraception During Wednesday Debate?

Santorum's supporters played for fools Exclusive: Alan Keyes asserts withdrawal 'serves the purposes of the GOP elites'

Santorum's supporters played for fools--Exclusive: Alan Keyes asserts withdrawal 'serves the purposes of the GOP elites'

What does the Catholic Church say about the practices and beliefs of Mormonism?

What does the Catholic Church say about the practices and beliefs of Mormonism?

Romneycare and Obamacare Are Identical

Romneycare and Obamacare Are Identical